What will you do?

by | Sep 10, 2006 | Poetry | 0 comments

We lost an oppo yesterday, so young not even grey
But still tonight we’ve had a beer
We’ve said our bit
We’ve shed a tear

So into yet another day
We saunter off to earn our pay
We’re not so bad (our mothers said)
I just want home and my own bed

And so tomorrow off I go
home for weeks with grass to mow
and go to see my friends sweet wife
and share her grief her loss of life

To play with Sam and Donni too
To try and say he died for good
To try and show I believe in war
Admit to being deaths own whore

Death is what we deal with every single day
Our lives are changed forever in many different ways
We came here to be helpful and let the people free
But all we’ve done is given death a cold and bloodstained key

And with it death does open another mother’s heart
Gushing forth its content onto Great Britain’s hearth
And what do politicians say? What story do they tell?
“We’ve sent in reinforcements” (sending more young boys to hell)

So if you care and mean it what will you try to do
What action will you take for us and for our loved ones too
Will you stand and fight for us to get us all back home
Or leave us in this barren land to fight once more alone


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