“Dear friend of mine”

by | Apr 28, 2010 | Poetry | 0 comments

Dear friend of mine.
Of sleepless nights and bitter wine,
Through all the endless nights you shine,
So sublime, so divine:

Dear friend of mine,
The gods will watch your spirits climb,
They know that in yon fiery tempest breast,
A seed of soft compassion gently rests,
So sublime, so divine:

Dear friend of mine;
With healing hands and heart of mystic powers
Within thy breast that seed will grow until it flowers
So sublime, so divine:

Dear friend of mine;
It is indeed a pleasure to know you,

Alack! Alas! Our years are but so few,
So always be gentle to all others,
The ones you know, the ones you knew,
But most of all, stay gentle to you yourself.

Sweet friend divine, I do love you!


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