by | Mar 14, 2011 | Poetry | 0 comments

When you’ve had an accident that risks your life or limb
Or that of someone close to you, then do give us a ring
If your life’s in peril from an illness or condition
Then telephone us: 999, it is no imposition

But if you’ve had a sniffle, that has been around for days
Or a pulled a muscle gardening, or fell and got a graze
Go and see your doctor. It is easier, you see
He can sort your problems out, and you’ll be home for tea.

And unless you have a complication: A pregnancy event
is not an emergency situation, nor an accident.
Nine months is a long time, and planning is the key
So you should have enough money, to pay for a taxi.

If you hear a siren and you’re driving in your car
Do us all a favour and look in your mirror
Then slow down, indicate, pull over out the way
So we can reach the sick person and hopefully save the day

Calling out an ambulance takes responsibility
Is not to be done lightly, I hope you will agree
Coz, If you go by ambulance, they will not see you quicker
That is just a fallacy. They prioritise the sicker


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