Heavy Weighs My Bergen

Make the ridge as deadly night disrobes its covered cloak Before revealing of ourselves, as fearsome fighting sight We’ve tabbed for miles on bleak terrain with Bergen as our yoke Through hours of dank filled darkness fading now into the light Such load we bear in...

Clean Sweep

Step gently when your life’s on line Beware such earth unspoiled It may be nought or deadly mine Where enemy has toiled Make hovered sweeps by arc of hand Then prod thy dibber true Such things unearthed beneath the sand Could be the death of you Clear a route ahead...

“Weigh the Anchor Chains”

Woe is me, this day of one before the morrow brings When history no longer mocks eternity for what shall be Where living of all life as known, perchance no longer sings Hath future ceased creating of existence where I’m truly free Weigh the anchor chains I wear...

A Small Lump of Clay

Creation forms upon the table A heart beats not, within the clay Lord guide my hands, so I am able To give this piece some life today Clogging up my finger nails A fleeting image doth appear A foot, a hand and fingers frail A head that only has one ear I sense a nose...

Reflections of Mary

I cradle in my blood stained arms, a life no more as was Through tear filled eyes above the heaven’s chorus weeps as one This heart is torn asunder; as my mind is warped through pain The cold dank earth beneath my feet, as in an Altar formed Once more sweet...