Requiem for the Innocents

by | Nov 29, 2006 | Poetry | 0 comments

The Great Leader said unto The Good People.
Into that land to which we send you”,
The Great Leader said unto The Innocents.
Into that land to which we send you and do good things”.
You Good People into that land and liberate the people from their oppression”,
The Great Leader said.
“Do you our bidding and do you heroic deeds.
Do you these things and you will be favoured throughout the land”,
The Great Leader lied.
“Do you these things and you will be exalted throughout the nation,
And your names will endure for eternity”,
The Great Leader lied.
“Do you our bidding…
For the weapons we give you are mighty and you will prevail”,
The Great Leader lied.
And then said The Great Leader…
“Good People, understand you this…
I am not able to go with you…for I have many great things to do here…
But know you Good People… that I will be with you in spirit”…
The Great Leader lied.

And so went The Good People… The Innocents… to do good things…
To do The Great Leader’s bidding…
To liberate the oppressed people with heroic deeds.
But…their weapons were not mighty, and they did not prevail…
For they shed their blood and their innocence on the infertile ground…
And the oppressed people were not grateful…
And The Good People were despised for their heroic deeds…
And The Innocents beheld the truth… that they were forever changed.

And so they came back… The Good People… but no longer The Innocents.
And when they returned they were not the same
As those who went into the distant land…
For they were marked with the stigmata of the dead.
Some died instantly in that far off land…
Some lingered for a while…
Some died slowly over the ages…
But they were no longer among the living…
And they felt not exalted… nor favoured…
They felt only a slow, lingering, haunting… they who once were The Innocents.

And said The Great Leader haughtily…
“Know you this Good People… you have shamed us…
For you should not have returned.
Better that you did your dying in that distant land to which we sent you…
Better that you do not know the truth…
For we do not wish for the truth to be known…
We do not wish to know what has passed… what you saw… what you felt…
We value only your silence”…

Said the Great Leader.
“Here are medals for your silence. Now…
Into the twilight”.
Into that living hell which we have created for you…
For you are not like the living…
And you have no place among us”…
The Great Leader said.
“Go! And do not return…
For we do not exalt you…
And we do not wish to know of your names”…
The Great Leader said.
Into that twilight… and stay there for eternity”…
The Great Leader said.

And so they went…those who once were The Innocents…
Went they… The Good People… into the twilight…
Into the land of the dead…
To be lost forever…

Requiescat in pace in eternum…


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