Prince of Pearly Kings

by | Jun 6, 2012 | Poetry | 0 comments

Bedecked in all his finery, he strolled amongst the working poor
No airs and graces to impart, just wondrous image to behold
In days gone by young orphan ‘Croft’, in grimy circumstance for sure
Per chanced to dream of ‘upper class’ and how their paths were paved with Gold

‘Drops of wisdom’ came to him when seeking to escape the drudge
When at his work of sweeping streets, he’d often hear the people shout
“Ere what’s a Pearly King like you, be doin’ sweepin’ all this sludge”
A button here, a button there had brightened up his ‘togs’ no doubt

His wish, to help the ‘down and out’ and bring some cheer to weary hearts
Did come to pass with pennies thrown and he collected in his cap
‘Followers of Fashion’ dedicated to his worthy cause amid the costermonger carts
‘Dewdrops filled with moonlight’ now adorned their bright new ‘wrap’

Helping souls through charity, became his life outside his home
Kings and Queens in buttoned seams, have carried out his wishes since
When “Our ‘Enry” passed away, a statue raised was warmly hewn
A fitting tribute for a King, who was to “them whats knew im”, always born to be a Prince


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