Once a Soldier

by | Jan 19, 2009 | Poetry | 0 comments

“Shun!” and “You! Stand still!”
Getting into line my friend…
Learning all the drill.
Once you’re tied to Army kin…
It cannot be undone…
You only ever get ‘fell in,’
And never ‘fell out’ my son.

When visiting the bars in all the world,
When going out into the town,
It’s not just about signing on and going to war…
And fighting for the crown.
It’s not even about all the girls
You’ve had the pleasure to have known,
It’s just that the lives of your ‘oppos’
Are more important than your own.

Whether conflict in the Falklands…
Or on Banner Tour…
Or fighting in Afghanistan…
Or in the first and the last Gulf War.
And even though you may retire,
One thing is absolutely true…
You will never leave the Army…
And the Army will never leave you.

And so one day you will fade away…
For old soldiers never die…
We just meet up with dignity
On that parade ground in the sky.
So…take your fill, young soldier boy,
Be all that you can be…
Just like us…a soldier true…
The pride of the British Army.


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