Ode to a Christmas Star

by | Nov 26, 2006 | Poetry | 0 comments

On Christmas night did mankind gaze upon a shining star…
Its brilliant illuminating hue a message from afar.

Yet, now upon the Earth below a star shines brighter still…
That casts a warm and soothing glow, and banishes the chill.
A glow that calls for those forlorn to see when there is dark,
Penetrates the morbid gloom, and hopes begin to spark.
The warmth that permeates from source breathes cruel despair away,
And soothes the spirit in readiness for the raising of the day.

While unbeknown to her in repose, a smile, a beguiling face
Inspires those who came, who chose to seek solace in her embrace.
Thus moving forth, and closer still, quietly, softly creeping
To gaze upon the figure blessed…unaware, for she is sleeping.
For even closer, closer still, the gathering, swelling number
Absorb the radiating thrill inflamed within that slumber.

Quietly now, for she is woken…
Softly hush, lest the spell is broken…
She sighs, she speaks…a celestial token.

Gaze…admire…marvel…thoughts abound
Enchanted by that rapturous sound.
Oh! What wonder there is found.

Mellow motion…grace appealing.
Blissful contentment…senses reeling…
Gives such an intoxicated feeling.

Beautiful light within…
And yet without…
And now all around.
And rekindles.
Passion and compassion…
Tranquil rest…
Joy and contentment…
Love and peace.
Oh! To fear that this splendid light may cease.

That which is born of the firmament
Releases all from their torment…

Transforms to gladness and content.
For within that fair breast there beats a heart
Of love caressed.
Nurtured, pressed and framed from part
Of life’s bitter test.

Cries she for those who in anguish dwelt,
Who every pain and sorrow felt,
That theirs the icy burden melt.
And offers them to taste the gift
Of healing words, delivered swift…
That will their hearts and senses uplift.

Enlightened now…enriched once more, the souls replete
Must unwillingly depart and steal away…
Lest the star becomes deplete.
As night casts off its dark mantle and submits to the arrival of the day.

When troubled eyes have lost their sight,
Again to seek in the dead of night
That healing, glowing heavenly light.
Not just to partake of that splendour,
But to replenish the warmth taken…to ensure
The star of wonder to restore.


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