German Girl Making Hay

by | Jan 1, 2006 | Poetry | 0 comments

I watched you pretty Fräulein. I watched you every day.
I watched you in the meadow, as you were making hay.
I watched you as you took your rest, upon a grassy bank.
I watched you endlessly, from the turret of my tank.

They told me “Watch the Weser, and everything in sight.”
They told me “Watch it closely, particu’ly at night.”
They told me “Keep your crew alert for you are in the van.”
They told me “Keep concealed. We’ll relieve you when we can.”

I waited in the gloaming, for flicker of last light.
I waited for my turn to sleep, two hours each that night
I waited for the dawn, and the June sun’s warming ray.
I waited for you Fräulein, to cheer another day.

We saw the wain approaching along a distant lane.
We saw the sky was crystal clear, not a sign of rain.
We saw you had a gingham bow, tied about your hair
We saw you, but keeping hid, you could not see us there.

And then I saw a scout car, upon the river’s bank.
And then I saw the umpire’s jeep, heading for my tank.
And then I heard the whirr, of a helicopter’s rotor.
And then I started up, my mighty Chieftain’s motor.

You watched me pretty Fräulein, that June of sixty-eight.
You watched me as my tank raced through, the open field gate.
You watched me as I waved to you, when we thundered by.
You watched me and enticingly, smiled and winked your eye.


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