Desert Heat

by | May 22, 2010 | Poetry | 0 comments

As the deep brown colours of the Arabian plain
Change with vibrant illusions of promised rain
The hot strength of the sunrays cause shimmering haze
Night is only relief from the torturous days.

Footsteps lead onward, toward a distance mirage
The hot sun in the sky appears ever more large
The water is low and the heat constantly fierce
And the hot burning sunrays, your eyes quickly pierce.

Then in the far distance, rides a figure obscure
Is it a new mirage? You are never quite sure
The mounted figure seems to twist and then deform
Is it the spirit of El-Lawrence now reborn?

The figure seems never to get any nearer
Onward we follow with the hope of things clearer
The camels heads lift with the smell of clear water
Oasis we find, met by a Sheik and his daughter.

As we sit and talk of our adventure so bold
A story of a ghost on the desert is told
He leads lost travellers to a place there to save
And then quickly disappears with the gentlest wave.


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