Dark Soldiers

by | Mar 31, 2017 | Poetry | 0 comments

Darkness wraps me up again
my blanket heavy, soaked with rain
Is Churchill’s dog so fond of me?
Is guilt and pain my destiny?

What demons did my service find
to infect body, soul and mind?
What sin did I commit for this
eternity in dark abyss?

Rebuke me, tell me “get from here”
deny my illness ignore my tears,
revoke my honour kill my pride,
make me another suicide.

And you newspapers don’t you talk,
don’t choose to talk without our walk.
You tell your tales as suits your game,
whilst painting us with strokes of shame.

And you who sit tonight at home
remember us who served alone.
Far from those we missed and loved
and very far from god above.

We went to war to serve our queen,
our country, people, all unseen.
We saw our brothers fight and kill
and die for freedom at your will.

So when you close your eyes tonight
remember us, recall our plight.
Ask god to pardon all we’ve done
and let our souls rise with the sun.

Forgive us now or let us rot,
who cares for us, it matters not.
We did what we believed was right,
recoiling from each fire fight.

So now I bid you all adieu
and with my brothers now so few,
we’ll join the sunset slowly sinking
and leave each one of you, just thinking.


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