A lucky game of poker

Major Jim Blackburn leant back in the canvas chair. His elbow rested on a wooden bench made of local Afghan plywood so dry it was almost desiccated. He looked at the cards in his hand. The three and four of clubs, the eight of spades, nine of diamonds and the jack of...

Taste of death. A small incident WW2

As a member of the Guards Armoured Division and advancing through Holland this incident occurred and which I still experience today. Having reached our objective for the day, we settled down for the night in and around a small farm. Everyone dug in, or selected safe...

It’s not that I don’t like cats

Its not that I don’t like cats, it’s more like well cats not liking me. I do like them and if they would just tolerate me, I would love to do the same for them. Having said that I suppose cat lovers everywhere will be yelling for my blood. So please allow me to put my...